Castor and Pollux - Кастор и Поллукс

The names of Castor and Pollux have become a synonym for two inseparable friends. In classical mythology, they were the twin sons of Jupiter and Leda, who were hatched from an egg. Castor and Pollux were also known as Dioscuri — sons of god. The twins were inseparable and became renowned for their athletic abilities, Castor for horsemanship and Pollux for boxing. When Castor was slain, Pollux did not wish to outlivehis brother and refused immortality in which Castor had no share. Touched by such devotion, Jupiter allowed them to remain together alternately in the heavens andin the nether world. Later he transformed them into a constellation called Gemini (meaning in Latin ‘tw ins’).
In art the twins are represented as two youths, usually horsemen, holding spears. They wear eggshaped helmets, symbolic of their origin, and are crowned with stars.

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1. В классической мифологии Кастор и Поллукс — сыновья Юпитера, близнецы. 2. Братья славились своей неразрывной дружбой. 3. Когда Кастор был убит, Поллукс отказался от бессмертия и стал умолять Юпитера, чтобы он дал ему возможность умереть. 4. Юпитер предложил ему вместе с братом проводить один день на Олимпе среди богов, другой — в подземном царстве Аида. 5. Позже Юпитер превратил их в созвездие Близнецов. 8. Имена Каетора и Поллукса стали синонимом двух неразлучных друзей.